The Water Log

Double Your Impact: 12 Days of Matching for CSA
**UPDATE!** Thanks to your generosity, we raised $15,242 during the matching period. Every dollar was matched! Thank you for your support. Do you want to double your impact and help fund the construction of the Carmel Swim Academy? Thanks to a generous challenge grant of $12,000, every donation we receive between December 11 and 23 will be matched dollar-for-dollar to support CSA.

CSA Unveils New Registration System
Looking to register for Carmel Swim Academy programs? We are thrilled to share that we have introduced a new system to make registering for Group Swim Lessons, Stroke Technique, and Swim Club Prep classes much easier for our families. This new system is hosted by iClassPro and offers both a desktop version as well as an app, where you can manage your swimmer’s registration and track their progress. To help you navigate these changes, we’ve provided guides to make sure your swimmer can continue to enjoy our wonderful programs.

Carmel Swimming Impact Stories – Volume 2
Have you been following along with our Carmel Swim Club alumni videos? We release a new one nearly every week where alumni from CSC have the opportunity to share the impact swimming, and particularly swimming with Carmel, continues to have on their lives. Their stories are unique and wonderful to listen to. In case you’ve missed any so far, you can find each of our offerings here.

CSA Core Foundations
Carmel Swim Academy provides a variety of aquatics programming to help you and your swimmer establish, build upon, and progress safely through a continuum of skills in the pool. CSA built a cumulative curriculum that is guided by four core foundations. Each of our programs, including Group Swim Lessons, Private/Semi-Private Lessons, Stroke Technique, and Swim Club Prep encompasses particular components of these core foundations: Solace, Safety, Skills, and Stability.

Swim Lesson Placement Quiz
Have you seen the latest tool we’re offering to help you determine which program to register your child for? We have a new placement quiz to assist you in making sure your child is signed up for the class that will best suit their swimming skills. Take the quiz.

A CSA Update from CEO Chris Plumb
We are delighted to provide you with an update on the status of the Carmel Swim Academy (CSA) project. Though we experienced a bit of a delay (as with many things this year!) we are now moving full steam ahead with construction. Carmel Swim Club’s goal has always been to help develop central Indiana children to lead successful and meaningful lives. Swimming just happens to be the vehicle through which we achieve this personal growth, as depicted in our mission statement, “teaching excellence through swimming, for life.”

May is National Water Safety Month
Did you know that May is National Water Safety Awareness Month? At Carmel Swim Academy, safety is one of our core values. We want to ensure that every child in our community has the opportunity to learn how to swim, it could save their life one day. As our Aquatics Director Nicole Bills shares, “Every child should learn to be safe in or outside of the water regardless if they want to be on a swim team or not. Swimming is the only sport which can save a child’s life.”

The CSA-CSC Connection
Carmel Swim Academy is one part of the larger Carmel Swim Club community. Carmel Swim Club’s mission is teaching excellence through swimming, for life. CSA offers a doorway to swimming through dynamic aquatics programming, including group swim lessons. Over the last six weeks, we’ve shared the stories of six Carmel Swim Club alumni. These videos detail the lasting impact swimming––particularly swimming with Carmel––has on their lives. The overall takeaway? The relationships you forge in the pool, with your coaches, teammates, and yourself, provide an enduring touchstone throughout life. Though diverse in their experiences each of these swimmers would encourage your family to “test the waters” and give swimming a try.

Meet Isaiah Huisman
Carmel Swim Club Assistant Aquatics Director Isaiah Huisman has been with the program for a year. In his role, Isaiah provides critical support in program oversight and facility management to Aquatics Director Nicole Bills (read more about Nicole here). Read on to learn a little more about Isaiah, the programs we will offer while CSA is under construction, and what he is most looking forward to when CSA opens.

Meet Chris Plumb
Carmel Swim Club Head Coach and CEO Chris Plumb has been with the program since 2003. In this role, Chris oversees all aspects of the Club and coaches the High Performance Group. Chris lives in Carmel with his wife, Emily, and sons William and Nicholas, who both took swimming lessons through Carmel Swim Club and now are on the swim team. Chris’s vision has included a new pool for CSC for a very long time, and he is excited for the Carmel Swim Academy to become a reality.