The Water Log

Announcing the Off the Deck Podcast!
We are thrilled to share that Carmel Swim Club Head Coach and CEO Chris Plumb launched the newest swimming-centric podcast, Off the Deck, today. Off the Deck features interviews with coaches, leaders, swimmers, and parents to bring you a variety of perspectives on swimming and life.

Carmel Swimming Impact Stories – Volume 4
Have you been following along with our Carmel Swim Club alumni videos? We release a new one nearly every week where alumni from CSC have the opportunity to share the impact swimming, and particularly swimming with Carmel, continues to have on their lives. Their stories are unique and wonderful to listen to. In case you’ve missed any so far, you can find each of our offerings here.

Carmel High School Boys Win 7th Consecutive Title
The Carmel High School Boys Swimming and Diving Team won their seventh consecutive Indiana High School State Championship on Saturday, February 27. Highlighted by a total team effort, Carmel garnered 360 points en route to victory. You can review full meet results here.

March Registration is Open
Carmel Swim Academy provides a variety of aquatics programming guided by four core foundations to help you and your swimmer establish, build upon, and progress safely through a continuum of skills in the pool. The next session of CSA programs, including Group Swim Lessons, Private/Semi-Private Lessons, Stroke Technique, and Swim Club Prep launches March 1 and runs through April 1. These programs each encompasses particular components of the CSA core foundations: Solace, Safety, Skills, and Stability. Read on for details and more information about each of these focus areas and a link to get registered for our next session.

Carmel Swimming Impact Stories – Volume 3
Have you been following along with our Carmel Swim Club alumni videos? We release a new one nearly every week where alumni from CSC have the opportunity to share the impact swimming, and particularly swimming with Carmel, continues to have on their lives. Their stories are unique and wonderful to listen to. In case you’ve missed any so far, you can find each of our offerings here.

Carmel High School Girls Win 35th Consecutive State Title
The Carmel High School Girls Swimming and Diving Team won their 35th consecutive Indiana High School State Championship on Saturday, February 13. Finishing with 479 points, the most points ever scored in the meet’s history, the Greyhounds solidified their national-record state title streak. Notably, Carmel Swim Club and Carmel Swim Academy CEO and Head Coach Chris Plumb won his 24th state title, the most ever by any Indiana coach in any sport.

CSA to Offer American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Courses
The Carmel Swim Academy needs lifeguards year-round! CSA will offer both American Red Cross Lifeguard Training and Recertification Courses throughout the year. The first course of 2021 will be offered April 5-8. Class sizes are limited, so be sure to register early! Read on for more information about each course.

Carmel Swim Club Breaking Ground on New Pool this Spring
The Carmel Swim Club (CSC) will break ground on a new facility, the Carmel Swim Academy this spring. Located in the heart of Carmel, adjacent to the existing Carmel Total Fitness gym, the new pool will provide critical space to expand Carmel Swim Club’s non-competitive programs in an effort to more fully live out the organization’s mission, “teaching excellence through swimming, for life.” Carmel Swim Academy will have a six-lane, 25-yard pool, and will include an adjacent zero-entry area for easy access and optimum instruction for the youngest swimmers. Carmel Swim Academy will provide space for CSC’s existing group swimming lesson program to expand, as well as offer new community programs, including adaptive and inclusive swim lessons, classes for infants and parents, lap swimming, and fitness classes for adults.

Benefits of Year-Round Swimming Lessons
While many people associate swim lessons with warm weather and outdoor pools, Carmel Swim Academy provides programming all year! Your child can benefit greatly from year-round participation in swimming lessons. Read on for details and more information about how to register for our next session of lessons, running February 1-27.

Carmel Swim Club – January Update
Carmel Swim Academy is just one part of the larger Carmel Swim Club organization. CSC puts out a quarterly newsletter to share the latest news and what is coming up next for their athletes. The January issue was released today and includes updates from recent competitions (including THREE new National Age Group Records), highlights from our parent volunteers and team support experiences, CSC athlete engagement in core organizational values, and notes on community service initiatives.